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The sugar ants have different types of forms. They can be 5mm to 15mm in size. This makes them quite large in size. They are polymorphic, and their colonies are divided amidst two types of workers. One being the major and the other being the minor ones. The minor workers have a slender and smaller body whereas the soldier ants are robust and larger in size. Both the major and minor worker ants are small in size when it stands in front of the queen sugar ant. They are the largest in the entire ant colony. Both genetic and ecological influence are responsible for the color of the sugar ants. Temperature, humidity, and isolation have an impact on the color of each sugar ant.

One can easily recognize the female sugar ants. They have a black coloured head, a thorax that is orange in colour , and a band of orange-brown colour that wraps their gaster. On the other hand, male sugar ants are completely black in colour . The thorax and the legs are rust coloured. Sugar ants have the base of their antennas and the mandibles black coloured. Their heads exceed the size of their thorax. The worker sugar ants have dark coloured wings with yellow coloured nerves and stigmata.


Sugar Ants harmful to humans?

Sugar ants enter homes in search of food. And, it is then you are concerned about their bites. Most of the times it will be a well-mannered minor worker from the sugar ant family that will invade your home in search of sugary food. They don’t bite unless they feel threatened. Once they are disturbed, they will raise their upper body as a sign of warning and show off their mandibles.

If it continues to feel threatened, then it will bite you. Sugar ants will spray an acid that will cause burning like sensation in your body. Once you are bitten by sugar ants, make sure you cool off that area by applying some ice. Follow this with an application of antiseptic cream. If you face an allergic reaction to the formic acid sprayed on your skin, then seek medical help as soon as possible. Although, sugar ant bites look like small red bumps they can turn into blisters or large size welts if you are having a reaction.

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Signs of Sugar Ant Infestation

  • An increasing number of ants crawling around in your home. Once the sugar ants find a convenient source of food, they will not leave. So, concentrate on inspecting your kitchen in detail.

  • Signs of wooden furniture damage, as sugar ants are known to chew on wood.

  • Sugar ants are smart and leave their nests at night. If you hear a rustling sound coming from your walls, be sure there is a nest of ants leaving behind them. Try knocking on the walls. Do they sound hollow? If yes, then the sugar ants have eaten through your walls.

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