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Depending upon the specific type of carpenter ants, their color seems somewhat different. These ants can have a black body with a thorax that’s reddish in color. Both male and female carpenter ants (with wings) appear out of their nests after the colony is fully grown. The coloration of these pests can be black, red and black, dark brown, red or yellow. Their wing size ranges from 6 to 12mm

However, there are some vital things that you must know about carpenter ants, including:

  • They have long legs

  • They have curved antennae

  • They have observable waists

  • When they have wings, the front ones will be longer compared to the ones at the back

  • They make tiny holes in the wood so that they clear the debris comprising grainy sawdust.


Carpenter Ant may inject formic acid into the bite wound, creating a burning sensation. However, this pain will subside and does not pose a significant health threat


However, they don’t eat the wood they bite through. But they rely on their tough jaws which allow them to dig up tunnels or galleries so that they can raise their young ones without hassles

The only external sign of a carpenter ant infestation other than the presence of workers and/or swarmers is the appearance of small openings on the surface of wood. Through these, the ants expel debris, which consists of sawdust-like shavings and/or fragments of insulation and insect body parts. The accumulation of this debris below the holes is a good indication of an active infestation. The gallery walls that carpenter ants create are smooth, with a sand-papered appearance. Active galleries are kept clean of debris.

Carpenter ants prefer to attack wood softened by fungus and are often associated with moisture problems, so homeowners should keep an eye out for excess moisture and soft, rotting wood around the home.

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how to get rid of carpenter ant

These ants require a water source so that they can survive. Who would want to run into red, brown or black carpenter ants in their house? It will be better if you eliminate sources of standing water or moisture that lets them breed.

Make sure you keep branches of the tree cut back from the house. These bugs can easily get into your house through these branches. Besides, it is crucial for you to ensure that there are no cracks around the bottom of the window or doors. Sealing every opening with a silicone-based caulk will be the best thing you can probably do.

Avoid keeping building materials as well as firewood from your home. It always pays to contact a reputable pest control company that can analyze the situation. They can even recommend you a suitable method for the extermination of these ants.

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